This weekend, like most other weekends, seemed to pass too quickly. On Saturday Scotty and I had our neighbors over and we watched the championship boxing match. That’s the best way I can explain it because it was some guy named Cotto versus some other little Filipino guy whose name I can’t spell. After 12 rounds, the little guy won! It was 4 hours of boxing and it was surprisingly entertaining. It reminded me of when I was younger and I would watch boxing with my dad. Only when I was younger my dad would mute the TV between rounds so that we couldn’t hear the adult language being exchanged between coach and boxer! Anyway, it was a good night!
Today we watched the Charger game with our neighbors. It was yet again another great win for us! Now that the evening is here I am ready to kick my feet up and take a snooze before bedtime!
Another good weekend has come and gone! One more week of work and then a whole week off. Just what I need!! Then again, don’t we all need a week off?!

Today is Wednesday. Today is a mid-week day off! Usually when we have holidays they push them to the first or last day of the week. Three day weekends just seem so nice I guess! Well this week they gave us Veteran’s Day off on the actual holiday. I have to say, what a treat! Scotty and I thought today would be a great day to dust off the boat and take a ride up the Pacific. We knew it wouldn’t be hot, but sometimes chilly days on the boat are just more fun! We bundled up and headed out at 8:00 this morning. The sun was out and the water was very calm. We had such a great day just putting around enjoying our time together and the luxury we have in the boat. We even saw dolphins and seals playing together and jumping all the way out of the water! I could not have asked for a better way to reenergize. Two more days and then two whole days off. Love the weekends!

Moral of the Blog- Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make us the happiest.

I feel like it has been too long since I have last posted, so here I am. With school being done and work going smoothly, I am finding myself to be lazy in the evenings. I am use to rising at 4:40 and doing my daily work out. Then, I would go to work and come home to a few hours of homework. Well now that I don’t have to come home to homework, lounging on the couch is very tempting. I have gone to the opposite extreme of not having enough hours in the day. On top of it all I have a pretty legitimate reason to ‘relax’… so I am! My major goal right now is to finish (or wait, start!) my wedding album. It just seems so big of a task that I am avoiding it. We call that “task avoidance” for kiddos who act up so they get removed from a lesson they just dread. I am also supposed to be learning Spanish on the Rosetta Stone that I begged my husband for. Well the Spanish is getting too hard and the wedding album involves creativity and patience (I am limited in both areas). So let’s set small goals. How about this week I start the wedding album. I don’t need to finish, I don’t even need to get past the first page, but I must START the darn thing! I can do this….

Moral of the Blog: Motivation is not always easy to come by!

Does the week go by faster if you are super busy or when you have the week off? Yes, I realize unless you are a teacher you can’t answer this because you never have a week off. It never fails, when I have a week off for Thanksgiving, Christmas (2 weeks actually!), spring break, etc., the week seems to fly by. This week has been so busy that I come to Friday stressed because I haven’t gotten it all done. Then I talk to my husband and he too is having a jam packed week, but says it has been the longest week of his life. Dramatic! Anyway, I wonder what makes us say a week ‘flies by’ versus a week ‘drags on’. In my opinion time flies when you are constantly moving and don’t take the time to stop and reflect. I am coming to realize the importance of living a stress-free, healthy lifestyle. Even though work can get hectic and there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in a day, it is important to take personal time to relax. Everyone needs a little down time!

Moral of the Blog- If you don’t stop and smell the roses…. what’s the point in having a garden?

Halloween has always been a fun holiday to celebrate. As a kid you get to dress up and get candy. If you think about it, it’s kind of weird that on one day out of the year you can knock on a complete stranger’s door and it is expected that he give you food. Strange! Anyway, as an adult it becomes an excuse to dress up and go to parties. Usually Scotty and I do something for the holiday. Last year we dressed up and went to a party out in Temecula. But this year, it’s different. I’m not sure that we are going to do anything special. I really am not motivated to go rent costumes that smell funny and are very stiff to wear. Oh well, maybe we’ll go to a scary movie. Oh… wait… Scotty doesn’t do scary movies. Maybe we’ll stay in and greet trick-or-treaters. Oh… wait… we don’t get trick-or-treaters. Well, I’m sure we’ll figure it out!!

Moral of the Blog- Are we ever too old to dress up as fantasy characters?