Today I took Kloey to the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. We don’t go very often because it’s a little bit of a drive and it’s kind of expensive for a short-ish outing ($30 for the two of us for 2 hours max.). We went at just the right time because we were able to explore a little bit and then catch a little information session with a diver in the big tank. We learned about sharks, different fishies, and an eight year old large sea bass- this thing was HUGE! After we explored, we went outside and and got our hands wet! We built a path for a boat to go down, we made energy, and put our heads in a shark! Then we headed out for a picnic! Some of the things we saw were- humongous crabs, beautiful jelly fish, Nemo + Dory, Sharks, eel, sea horses, coral reef, and a bunch of fancy other things that have only scientific names that I frankly can’t recall!

19-May-2016 12:53
19-May-2016 12:22
19-May-2016 12:59
19-May-2016 13:04
19-May-2016 13:25
19-May-2016 13:47

Our boat Plath:

The real reason we went to the Birch Aquarium:

Today Kayden went on a field trip with her class. She has been on many field trips. Problem was that I had been with her on every other one (except one and she was very nervous about going to that one– so was I!). I told her that I was planning on keeping her home today. She said, “Oh, um, I was really excited to go. BUT that’s okay I’ll go to the aquarium with you!” Great…. I thought.Wrong! I told Ms Bailey that I was going to keep her home because I was afraid she’d be too uncomfortable and cry the whole day and potentially ruin the trip for the other kiddos. Ms Bailey looked at me with a side look like, ‘what are you talking about, lady?!’ She told me to think about it because she knew Kayden was excited and that she would be fine. Turns out, when I am chaperoning the field trips is when my darling Kayden has the hardest time. No mommy, no problems! I have been told this before (by several other teachers and staff), but I was skeptical, because I know my own kid, DUH!! Well, I might just be wrong on this one!! She had a great day and came home beaming with a ton of stories to tell me!! I am so proud of my little Firefly!!

I referred to Kayden as my little firefly above. A great friend sent me the following blog and it really just spoke volumes to me about my oldest child. I really love the blog so I thought I’d attach a link. Copy and paste the link to read a beautiful story about the many kiddos that just don’t stand out, but are so so special for many wonderful reasons.


Last weekend we went to the Wild Animal Park with the Peterson family. The kids had a great time checking out all of the animals and running around just having a great time! We went on the bus tour, had a Subway picnic, saw lots of exhibits, and fed the Lorkeets (of course!). Fun times!!

15-May-2016 14:41
15-May-2016 14:41
15-May-2016 14:42
15-May-2016 14:43
15-May-2016 14:43
15-May-2016 14:44
15-May-2016 14:44
15-May-2016 14:44

11-May-2016 15:51

Today was a big day for our darling Kayden. She lost her first tooth!!! While we are super excited for her, it has been a LOOOOONG time coming. When Kayden went to the dentist about 6 months ago, her dentist said she had a loose tooth. This made me hot and sweaty because I was so not ready for my little girl to lose a tooth! Dramatic much?😁 When we got home I checked this “loose” tooth and it was tight, tight, tight! There was no loose tooth in my observation!

Anyway, the time has finally come for that tooth to fall out. It all started last night when Kayden looked at me and said, “Mommy, my tooth hurts.” I looked at her and her tooth was literally pointing towards her tonsils. Major gross out!!!

10-May-2016 19:13

Auntie Kel was in the neighborhood, so she and Ian stopped over to see if they could assist. Fail. Kayden wasn’t having it at all! Which, of course, means that I was going to lose sleep over whether or not she was going to lose her tooth in the middle of the night and choke on it!! She sleeps on her back with her mouth open- hey it could have happened!! Luckily, it didn’t! She babied the tooth all morning and then must have forgotten about it by brushing time because she wasn’t paying attention and literally spit her tooth out into the sink. Right as she spit I happened to have turned on the water to clean the toothpaste off of the sink, and we nearly washed the tooth down the drain. I grabbed it and we all squealed and laughed and ran around the house because the darn thing was FINALLY out! Honestly, I was hoping it would fall out at school so I didn’t have to deal with it, but it wasn’t that bad… For either of us!! Congratulation Kayden on losing your very first tooth today- 5/11/16!! You handled it like a champ. And Ms. Bailey is right, you do look older!

11-May-2016 07:49
11-May-2016 07:49
11-May-2016 09:03


Happy Mother’s Day!! What an amazing Mother’s Day weekend I had!! The festivities started Saturday morning. Kayden’s school put on a Spring Festival, but the theme overwhelmingly was Happy Mother’s Day. Much like the Winter Festival, each class came up to perform two songs. Also, like the Winter Festival, the weather took a turn for the worse the morning of the event- inspite of weather forcasting partly sunny on Saturday all week long. So they piled us in the auditorium for the performance. And wouldn’t you know, the clouds parted and the rain was not an issue after all! Each class was super adorable, but Kayden and Mr. Gabe’s class took the cake. They first sang Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, which holds a special place in my heart. My grandma Minnie would put Neil Diamond (cassette tape!) on literally EVERY time we got in her blue Cadillac. Every time I hear Neil Diamond, I think of her. So the irony that that was the song they sang for Mother’s Day was not lost on me! The second song they sang was one I had never heard. It was a Mother’s Day song and I immediately got emotional and only half way through the song did I think to record it. Love Love Loved it!! After the performance we took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate a job well done. We haven’t been there since Kloey was an infant and she has been on us to take her for a LONG time now. So we saw the opportunity and took it! We all had a good time! After Chuck E. Cheese we went over to Mimi and Gampy’s for dinner to celebrate the moms. We had a great time and even introduced them to adult-sized Jenga!! Fun times!!

I’m not sure if these videos will work, but it’s worth a try because they are pretty cute!

07-May-2016 11:48
07-May-2016 11:46
07-May-2016 11:40
07-May-2016 11:39

On Sunday, Mother’s Day, we went out to breakfast first thing in the morning. We went to one of our old faves- Broken Yolk. We use to go there all of the time when we were dating in college. So we took a nice drive and hit up the Broken Yolk Encinitas. After breakfast we came home and hung out until Scotty’s family came over for a little celebration. We had a really relaxed and enjoyable time just hanging out and having some good laughs. All in all, it was a great Mother’s Day weekend!! Thanks family for making it so special!!


I went to school today and found this in Kayden’s cubby. It’s pretty cute, so I had to add it to the blog!

11-May-2016 08:35


Scotty and I use to really enjoy date day Friday afternoon. We’d go for a late lunch and just relax until the kids came home. That eventually tired out and we decided that instead of just going to lunch and doing nothing, to expand our talents to golf. Scotty went out with the guys a few weeks back and had a really good time. He came home and asked if I would want to go out with him sometime. I was super excited at the thought of going out to golf. It has been A LONG time since I have golfed, but I think I still got it!! 😉 Two weeks ago we went out for our first round together and had an absolute blast. We play a game called Bing, Bang, Bong. Basically instead of keeping score by counting EVERY shot you take, you get a point by being 1.) the first on the green (BING) 2.) the closest to the hole once both players are on the green (BANG), and 3.) who ever makes it in the hole first (BONG). Scotty always gets Bing and I always get Bong. We split Bang. The two times we played Scotty beat me by one point and each time it came down to the very last play on the very last hole. I legit lost the first time, but the second time I totally choked and missed a very close putt. Oh well, there’s always next week!!

29-Apr-2016 15:55
29-Apr-2016 15:55
29-Apr-2016 15:47
29-Apr-2016 15:49
29-Apr-2016 15:49
29-Apr-2016 15:40
29-Apr-2016 15:41
29-Apr-2016 15:41
29-Apr-2016 15:41
29-Apr-2016 15:10