One More Day!

As we all know one of the major benefits of being a teacher is the vacation time. Now, let’s not go overboard and start saying ‘oh it must be nice to be a teacher because you get all kinds extra vacations!’ Yes, it is nice, BUT it is well deserved. It is a very taxing task to teach children. We don’t just teach language arts and math; we actually wear many hats in our profession! We are teachers, mothers, counselors, nurses, therapists, friends, mentors, and coaches. Now with all that said, it is truly an amazing job and I wouldn’t change it for the world. You might have to remind me of this on several occasions: Halloween, the day before Thanksgiving/Christmas break, day before Spring Break, and the last day of school (not to mention any holidays that happen to fall on school days!). Next week I get the whole week to relax and catch up on Tiff-time. Yes, we all know how precious personal time can be…. especially when things are hectic at work! During the week off I will try not to think of the IEPs I need to write, the assessments I need to do, and the 30 report cards I need to write by Dec. 9. Yes, I will take this week to do me and gear up for a hectic remainder of 2009. I will always remember that I am thankful that I have this amazing opportunity to shape the minds of our youth!! You can ask a teacher what she “does” and she will respond with what she is… a teacher!

Moral of the Blog- Everyone deserves a little Thanksgiving-week-off!!

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