(No) Sleeping at 2 Weeks

Sleep… what is sleep? We only speak in naps here! Everyone tells you to be prepared for no sleep with a newborn. They almost tell you this with a laugh it seems. Even though we have been hearing about no sleep since the day we announced our pregnancy, nothing could truly prepare us for the lack of real sleep once she arrived. Kayden is feeding every two hours so between feedings I get a whole hour to sleep. Just enough time to refill the milk ducts and do it all over again. Kayden is an awesome sleeper during the day. As soon as night falls the length of her naps decreases significantly and she becomes very alert. She also needs to eat more often, which means I can’t get enough of the good sleep at night. Lucky for me, I fall asleep very easily and I get the whole hour of REM sleep. Miss Kayden is a sleeping beauty as long as the sun is up. Come night fall, she is a new baby who is ready to party! I keep asking people when I can expect her to sleep longer… all I get is laughter. Wondering what I should make of that?!

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