
Kayden reached a milestone yesterday. She cried real tears! I know I’m not supposed to be happy when my baby cries, but I was so excited to see that her eyes were filled with water and her little blond lashes were wet. We had just gotten home from grocery shopping when it happened. She was in her car seat for probably an hour and a half to two hours. Kayden likes to stretch and move freely so she was getting a little cranky on our way home. Well when we got home we had to unload and put things away. I took her out of her car seat to let her stretch and then I put her in her swing. She normally loves her swing, but not this time. I let her whine a little bit as I put the first things away and then all of a sudden she began to cry very hard and her face went beat red. That I could not stand. I went to pick her up and that’s when I saw it… tears!! Immediately upon being picked up she relaxed and the tears dried. Ahh my daughter the drama queen!

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