My Little Graduate

09-Jun-2016 15:52

Congratulations Kayden on ‘graduating’ Kindergarten!!! You did it! You finished your FIRST year of full-time school. While I don’t buy into the whole ‘graduation’ theme for Kindergarten, because it should be reserved for real accomplishments made by much older people, I do find pride in my heart for Kayden. This year was the first year she attended school full time (6 hours without me 😢). This was a year of major growth for her (and me!). It was a tough transition, but one that she made with strength and bravery. Yes, school is a scary place!! Through the year, Kayden learned A TON academically, but she also learned just as much socially and emotionally. Change is hard for my sweet introvert. She is quiet. Most kids are not. She is shy. Most kids are not. She is sensitive. She is compassionate. She is caring. But most of all, she is a child of good character. From taking in the new girl who came all the way from China and knew no English, to choosing to play with the Littles at recess so the would feel like one of the big kids, Kayden is a good human. I could honestly go on and on about how wonderful she is, but then I’d have to follow up with how imperfect she can be… At times… Not often… But sometimes 😉. With all that, let me say it again, Congratulations Kayden on how far you have come in your FIRST year of school. You nailed it!!

17-Jun-2016 15:43
17-Jun-2016 15:43
17-Jun-2016 15:08
17-Jun-2016 15:08
17-Jun-2016 15:42
21-Jun-2016 09:28

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