Scotty convinced me that we could have a successful date night with the baby. A little weary (okay, a lot weary) I decided to oblige. We went to Breakwater Brewery, which is very close to home. The place serves pizza and paninis, so naturally it’s a family establishment (once you pass the bar)! Kayden was an angel! She didn’t sleep through the entire event, but she was quiet! Great success… can’t wait for the next date!


Today I woke up feeling very under the weather. I assured Scotty I would live and that he should go ahead and go to work. He starts at 6:00 and at 6:17 he called to check on me. In tears I asked him to please come home because I was not able to take care of the baby because I was getting sick so often. Like a loving husband, he came home immediately. He let me rest and at 12:00 I was feeling almost back to normal. I faintly remember him coming in one time to check on me and asking where the Baby Bjorn was. I told him, but then thought that I shouldn’t have told him because Kayden is still too small for it. Feeling so crummy, I thought better of it than to have that discussion. A few hours later I walk in to see Scotty has managed to finagle the Baby Bjorn so that Kayden fits in it. She is long enough, we just weren’t sure she weighed enough. Please also notice that he is playing video games with her strapped to his chest. Bonding at its best! After he modeled the Baby Bjorn for me, he made me put it on and he instructed me to walk around for 20 minutes to “get comfortable” with it! What a day!


Well Kayden shared the bed last night and unfortunately, she didn’t sleep 10 hours through the night like I had hoped. :o) The first part of the night was hour by hour, but by the middle of the night she was sleeping 2 hours, which means she was going through 3 hours between feedings. This is a great accomplishment! It took a 12 hour duration, but I got 7 1/2 hours of sleep. I’ll take it!


This might be a little premature, but I think I am on to something with regards to Kayden’s frequent nightly feedings. She is a new baby so we were expecting that she would wake up often, but wow every 2 hours was taking its toll on us! When Kayden was brand new she would not sleep in the bassinet. Many nights I would let her sleep on my chest, which was a little scary but hey anything to get a few winks of sleep. After about a week she started accepting the bassinet as her place to sleep. One morning, however, when Scotty got up for work I put Kayden in bed with me and she slept longer than she had the whole night. I wasn’t sure if it was because it was morning or what- she has her days/nights confused. So last night Kayden started out in the bassinet as she had every other night in the past two weeks and only made it an hour before she started trying to escape her swaddle. I was very tired because I had just fallen into a deep sleep and here she was wanting my attention. I didn’t think it would be possible to get out of bed so I just picked her up, moved the sheets around, and stuck her on her back in bed next to me. She slept for the next two and a half hours without a peep!! After two and a half hours I could tell it was time to feed so I woke her up and fed and changed her. In less than 30 minutes we were back in bed. The next round of sleep was three and a half hours!! She loves sleeping in the bed apparently! I only woke up three times with her and got a total of 8 hours of sleep. This is a great accomplishment! We’ll see if it works tonight as well… fingers crossed!
