Weekend Warriors

I’m not sure how this happens, but every Friday I leave work with my Coach tote packed with papers to grade or reports to write that I fully intend to do in order to be on top of things come Monday morning. Today I realize that this thinking is optimistic and unlikely. Between work and school I savor my weekends because it allows me to either catch up on things or get ahead. Let’s be honest, if you know me, I use my weekends to get ahead.

For the most part I am unproductive because we have weekend distractions. We either have people come over, which rationalizes my ‘not getting around to’ my commitments, or we have plans to go somewhere. This weekend was one of the first that we had nothing on the books. On Saturday we ran a few errands and today we stayed in and watched the Charger game. Somehow I still neglected my self-assigned tasks. I think I justify avoiding my work because I tell myself that it is the weekend and that the weekend is a time to rejuvenate and prepare for the upcoming week. But, let’s be honest, most of us can’t get through our daily tasks- work, chores, homework, errands- unless we dip into our personal time. I know that I am extremely organized (OCD perhaps) and I really do monitor my time wisely. So if procrastination can sneak up on me, it is likely to affect most of you as well!

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