Hatchers heart Macs

One of the things a wife of a computer genius needs to understand is that in order to maintain genius status one must keep on top of the latest technology. I can’t really complain because when I met my beloved husband he had a passion for the newest toys. Whether it be a remote control for his car stereo (yes, the car stereo that was within arms reach) or a robotic vacuum cleaner that vacuums when you are away and finds its way back to the docking station to recharge without anyone being the wiser- he had to have it all. So, when the day came that Mac released its newest Macbook and Mackbook Pro I should have been prepared to be a little lighter in the checkbook. I have to hand it to Scotty, though, at one time in his life when the new toy hit the market he would be the first in line with his credit card in hand. Now, he is still the first in line but has the cash on hand because he sold something or other on Ebay to get it!! With the new release of the Macbook items Scotty sold his current Mac laptop for a little more than the new laptop will cost. For those of us who know Scotty, love Scotty for his scheming ways. We appreciate him for many reasons, but one memorable reason being that he helped many family and friends (and wife) sell their old iPhones for the same amount as the new iPhones- then convinced us all to take the day off work and wait in line!! He is good at what he does, but will he ever not be the first person in line at the Apple store with various customers mistakenly asking him for technical support??

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