Is that you Baby?

I firmly believe I felt the baby move for the first time last night. After reading up on I found out that usually women start to feel something around 16 weeks. I am at 15 weeks. They also said that thinner women can usually feel it sooner, around 15 weeks. I was laying on the bed watching television and I felt a slight flutter. It felt like a single small butterfly barely learning to flutter his/her wings. It was very brief! BabyCenter mentioned that many first time mommies mistaken the first feelings as either hunger pains or gas. They compared the feelings to butterflies, bubbles, and some other weird things. The website also said I should start talking to the baby. I still feel a little weird about that, so I make sure Kooper and Jinx are always around. Since I talk to them in a high pitched voice, the baby will never know I am not really talking to him/her!

Moral of the Blog- Not all rumblings in the belly are gas!

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