Busting at the Seams

Today marks my 22 weeks of pregnancy. For those like me who don’t speak in weeks, but understand more in months, that makes me 5 1/2 months pregnant with 4 1/2 months to go! June 21, the estimated arrival date of baby Hatcher, seems to be quickly approaching. You know what else is moving fast?? The rate at which my stomach is expanding!! I have had some emotional bouts with my closet (and consequently my husband) because nothing looks right and nothing seems to fit. I have always been a thin girl, so when I went to put on my pre-pregnancy skinny-girl jeans yesterday (yeah HORRIBLE idea!!) and couldn’t even bring them over my hips, tears ensued. My poor husband was not able to help the situation. So on that day, which happened to be Valentine’s Day, he took me shopping for maternity clothes. He is truly an amazing and caring man. Now, I keep hearing that us pregnant types get emotional, irrational, irritable, and overly sensitive, but wow, my husband sure got lucky because I am NONE of those (said with a wink*)! I still feel like an orca whale, but I am learning to embrace my bump!
On a much better note, my daughter kicked me for the first time last night!! Well, I’m sure she’s been kicking for a while but last night was the first time I saw it! Yes, I said ‘saw’ it because I saw my belly move. Weirdest thing… sort of looked like a mini hiccup/twitch in my lower tummy. Awesome experience!! I now feel her kicking and fluttering. I feel like the fluttering has become way more common and the kicking is random but definitely kicking. Who knows if what I felt at 15 weeks was her moving or just gas. Either way, it was a proud moment for me, ha!


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