Time is Flying By!

This week marks 34 weeks pregnant with 6 weeks to go. I think it is just now starting to hit me that the baby will be here pretty soon. Many friends and co-workers have delivered healthy babies in the past few months and it only seems fair that now it’s almost my turn! So officially I have 6 weeks left to keep little Miss. Kayden baking. It would seem however, that babies like to come early! I have heard from all the articles and literature that typically the first baby comes late. This statistic is not backed up by ANY of the women that I know who have recently delivered. No exaggeration, but of the 6 women that I know to have delivered since January, every single one was early. Some were only a few days early, but some were weeks early! I think it’s time to start to real preparations. I need to do some washing and packing. Everything else is just extra.
I am lucky to say that I still feel great. No back aches. No swollen ankles. And no carpal tunnel. I’m still sleeping soundly through the night and ready to wake up before my alarm. I have had the easiest, most normal pregnancy around so I am wondering if my little babe is saving up the drama for her debut or if she’ll keep it nice and easy as she has for the past 8.5 months. Scotty seems to think she’ll take it easy on me so I’ll just believe him for the time being. So far, so good!

Mom 2 Be

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