Baby Update

Weeks 36 and 37:
The past two weeks have been uneventful in my pregnancy. The baby is down in the ready position but she is not yet ready to make her debut. I am at the point in the pregnancy where I go to the doctor’s office every week so that she can make sure that I am growing and in turn the baby is growing. Although my belly is technically on the smaller side of normal it sure feels huge to me. I am getting use to feeling my belly on my thighs when I sit down. This is something I have never experienced before! I have looked back at pictures from pre-pregnancy and well I just don’t recommend that for women who are 9 months pregnant. I wonder how I ever said (or thought) I was out of shape or getting ‘fat’. Having a baby takes a toll on a woman’s body, but without having met my daughter yet, I already know it’s worth it. I plan on reminding her of the 10 months I carried her. She is the best thing I have ever done and I am still astounded that I am making a human being…. making her from scratch.

Mom 2 Be

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